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比喻记人:烛光-A Candle,比喻记人:烛光-A Candle范文

更新时间:2024-04-23 14:23:26

比喻记人:烛光-A Candl 烛光

比喻记人:烛光-A Candle,比喻记人:烛光-A Candle范文




A Candl

Lu Mingr, our physics tachr, is a good tachr. H has bn taching for forty yars. W all lov and rspct him bcaus h has dvotd himslf to th caus of ducation.

But h has a vry strang tmpramnt①.H oftn criticizs②us whn w mak mistaks. So, at first, w couldn't gt along wll with him;but latr, w ralizd that h was a kind and warm-hartd tachr. W cam to lov him and lookd on him as our good frind.

H is vry strict not only with us but also with himslf. H will forgt his sadnss or illnss as soon as h stands in front of th blackboard. Somtims h knocks th blackboard havily to mphasiz③ what h is saying. Somtims h laughs or jumps on th platform④. H is absorbd in⑤ taching and forgts himslf. All of us study physics activly and carfully bcaus w hav such a good tachr.

Mr Lu is vry old. H will lav th school bfor long. Th numbr of th studnts h has taught can't b countd. H has workd all his lif for his studnts, lik a candl that burns itslf to giv light to othrs.



①tmpramnt ['tmp r m nt] n.脾气;性情

②criticiz ['kritisaiz] v.批评

③mphasiz ['mf saiz] v.强调

④platform ['pl$tf&:m] n.讲台

⑤(b) absorbd [ b's&:bd] in 陶醉于


本文描写了一位忠于教育事业的老教师的形象。他对别人严,对自已也严,一心扑在教学工作中。但是作者对他有一个认识过程:一开始,认为该老师不尽人情,而后来才慢慢地意识到他是一位慈父般的教师,并油然生起对老师的敬意。最后,作者说,该老师教了数不清的学生,用烛光作比喻,燃烧了自已,照亮了别人。结尾与标题形成照应。 比喻记人:烛光-A Candl

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